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review 2015-08-30 00:00
Written in the Stars
Written in the Stars - Lily Velden

*** 3,5 stars ***

Game show alert! Find your next date through a TV date show. This story was short, funny and sweet. I would have loved for it to have included more story after the game show ended, but sadly not. I enjoyed it all the same.

Part of the Bollocks! anthology. Read my whole review here.

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review 2015-05-16 00:00
Hunter or Hunted?
Hunter or Hunted? - Lily Velden This is a short, erotic story about two guys who meet in a bar. William, who owns the bar, watches David for several weeks. He wants him and he’s determined to get him. But David isn’t willing to give in that easily. He wants William to really fight for him so he holds out. He leaves with other guys, leaving William wanting him more every time.

Hunter or Hunted BannerThe chemistry between these two was my favorite thing about this. These guys definitely had chemistry. I have to admit, I wasn’t the most invested in the characters. I liked them together. They were hot together. I just didn’t feel as invested in them as I would have liked before that.

The ending was definitely fitting for this story. It wasn’t a HEA, but there was hope and a definite HFN. Plus it left me wanting a sequel for these guys.

Hunter or Hunted? is a really quick short story. I’m sort of torn on how to rate this, but I think 3 stars is the rating that works for me right now. And I’d definitely like to read another book from this author at some point.

3.5 stars!

Life According to Buddy had me cracking up while I was reading it. It’s a quirky little story and like nothing else I’ve ever read before. Why, you might ask? Well, Life According to Buddy is told in a very interesting POV.

Buddy is a penis.

Yep. That’s right. A penis. This story is told from a penis’ POV. It was a little surprising, I have to admit. I laughed when I realized it. And I was laughing as I read it.

I really enjoyed this short. The writing was nice and it kept me entertained. So I’m really, really glad I read it and I would definitely recommend it if you want a laugh.

A copy of these stories was provided by Wayward Ink in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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review 2015-02-16 00:00
Heart Knot Mine
Heart Knot Mine - Lily Velden 4.5 stars

I didnt like the abrupt end. I wanted an epilogue or something more with Noah's brother and if they resolved their issues and how much more Robert is going to prove himself to Noah down the line.

I ultimately enjoyed the long emotional and sexual exploration of Noah's discovery and search for that romantic/sexual spark. It was kinky and hot what he did when he found those home video of Robert's that open that door of discovery and debauchery. I loved his shyness too and his boldness when Robert returned and they went on their short travel vacation.

I really thought the story would have benefited it was written in an alternative POV. I really wanted to see Robert's side of things too at about halfway through the book. By far I'm not complaining because it worked well with just Noah's pov. The info readers discovered on Noah's side after the ordeal with Robert and returning just add to the lance of pain and beyrayal I felt on Noah's behalf for the rejection. I like both characters immensely and am glad I got to read their story.
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review 2014-05-30 00:00
Heart Knot Mine
Heart Knot Mine - Lily Velden 4.5 Stars ~ Review by Beverley

This is a wonderful novel about the dangers of living without self knowledge and the explosion that occurs in your life when you discover your true nature. Lily Velden knows how to wield words as a visceral weapon or a soft caress. I read a short story before this good length novel, and was put off by the flowery, cheesy dialogue surprised when I found out a man had written it. I recommended a friend, who happens to be a gay man, read it and tell me what he thought. Likewise, he thought it had been ‘written by a woman who didn’t know men’.

I then copied various paragraphs of this novel to him and he thought it was written by a gay man. In this context it is a great compliment. This book is very sexy. It has desperate need, sexual awakening, fear from new arousal and understanding of self. It also has some quotable gems,

His cock was definitely a star. His heart and lungs were merely its life support system, his nerves its communication system, and the apex of his thighs its home address. Though I wouldn’t mind if he called my ass home away from home.

Read more at Prism Book Alliance
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review 2014-05-15 00:00
Heart Knot Mine
Heart Knot Mine - Lily Velden description

I am unsure how to rate this book. Some parts were a stellar 5 and then other parts were a 3. So I’m gonna go with 3.5-4 stars.

Kudos to the author because she sure made me feel alot of feelz and I didn’t roll my eyes ONCE.

I did cry and get angry, I did smile and laugh. A wound of those said emotions always end up with me advising that this was an epic read.

But there’s something holding me back.

I am not avert to cheating. I know a lot of readers out there are. Refuse to read a book where cheating is a basis. I’m ok with it, makes the angst more real and I’m 100% an angst junkie.

This wasn’t cheating though. This was disrespect. This was no care at all. This was a direct SLAP in Noah’s face. DIRECT. There is something called conversating. Like “Hey Noah, lets go to the bath house and get it on with other people in front of each other. How do you feel about that?

Putting myself in Noah’s shoes. I almost vomited. I wanted to slice Robert’s balls off. I wanted to beat the ever living shit out of him. I can’t even FATHOM what went on in his head.

And that right there is my problem I think.

We had 1 POV throughout the entire book. Noah’s. Robert remained a mystery. I couldn’t get what made him move the way he did. He lost his parents over bigotry. And that’s a hard pill to swallow. I get it. I do. But you had a loving grandmother that raised you and took you to gay clubs no less. So why the self-pity of not needing or wanting love? I just didn’t get it. I didn’t get him. I pretty much didn’t even like him close to the end. I felt as if he didn’t do enough to deserve Noah.

Noah~ Dear sweet Noah. He pretty much took to gay the way I take too food. His light bulb went off and that was it. No self doubt. No questions. This is me, and that is all. I liked that. If he had blinders on for 80% of the book so be it. He was in love. For the 1st time. 1st love is bliss and rainbows and cookies and hugs and kisses. And then 1st love can be heartbreak and tears and OMG I hate life and OMG I’m so sad. He had a lot of mountains that he had to pass and he did so with dignity. If only he made Robert grovel more.

The sex was amazing. The taken virginity. The 1st kiss. GAH, I’m a sucker for sexy ass kisses. This book did not disappoint on the hotness factor. It was a stellar 5.


“That one kiss was the best sex I ever had.”

Best line of the book right there.

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