I am unsure how to rate this book. Some parts were a stellar 5 and then other parts were a 3. So I’m gonna go with 3.5-4 stars.
Kudos to the author because she sure made me feel alot of feelz and I didn’t roll my eyes ONCE.
I did cry and get angry, I did smile and laugh. A wound of those said emotions always end up with me advising that this was an epic read.
But there’s something holding me back.
I am not avert to cheating. I know a lot of readers out there are. Refuse to read a book where cheating is a basis. I’m ok with it, makes the angst more real and I’m 100% an angst junkie.
This wasn’t cheating though. This was disrespect. This was no care at all. This was a direct SLAP in Noah’s face. DIRECT. There is something called conversating. Like “Hey Noah, lets go to the bath house and get it on with other people in front of each other. How do you feel about that?
Putting myself in Noah’s shoes. I almost vomited. I wanted to slice Robert’s balls off. I wanted to beat the ever living shit out of him. I can’t even FATHOM what went on in his head.
And that right there is my problem I think.
We had 1 POV throughout the entire book. Noah’s. Robert remained a mystery. I couldn’t get what made him move the way he did. He lost his parents over bigotry. And that’s a hard pill to swallow. I get it. I do. But you had a loving grandmother that raised you and took you to gay clubs no less. So why the self-pity of not needing or wanting love? I just didn’t get it. I didn’t get him. I pretty much didn’t even like him close to the end. I felt as if he didn’t do enough to deserve Noah.
Noah~ Dear sweet Noah. He pretty much took to gay the way I take too food. His light bulb went off and that was it. No self doubt. No questions. This is me, and that is all. I liked that. If he had blinders on for 80% of the book so be it. He was in love. For the 1st time. 1st love is bliss and rainbows and cookies and hugs and kisses. And then 1st love can be heartbreak and tears and OMG I hate life and OMG I’m so sad. He had a lot of mountains that he had to pass and he did so with dignity. If only he made Robert grovel more.
The sex was amazing. The taken virginity. The 1st kiss. GAH, I’m a sucker for sexy ass kisses. This book did not disappoint on the hotness factor. It was a stellar 5.
“That one kiss was the best sex I ever had.”Best line of the book right there.