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review 2017-04-18 05:55
Dead Interviews: Living Writers Meet Dead Icons
Dead Interviews: Living Writers Meet Dead Icons - Dan Crowe

Several modern day writers answer the question, if you could go back in time and talk to any famous writer, who would it be? by imagining how such interviews would go.


Some are straight-forward, some are really very clever, like the Samuel Johnson/Boswell interview imagined by David Mitchell, or Rebecca Miller's take on how an interview would go with the Marquis de Sade.  Some of them aren't even authors; Douglas Coupland interviews Andy Warhol, who he imagines finds heaven very dull.


I bought this because I saw Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the list and he's just about the only author I'd travel back in time to talk to, if I could.  Ian Rankin did the honours, but I was rather disappointed with his efforts, to be frank.  Very little came out of the exercise except perhaps a wicked hangover for Rankin if he was lucky, a court-ordered psych eval if he wasn't (fictitiously speaking, of course).


The weirdest by far was Joyce Carol Oates' disturbing and intensive extended grilling of Robert Frost.  I think it's fair to say, fictional imaginings or not, she does not like Robert Frost!  At the end of it, she is careful to remind readers it's a work of fiction, "though based opon (limited, selected) historical research", and then points the reader in the direction of Meyer's biography of Frost.  I'm betting there's a story to tell there somewhere.


It's an amusing collection of what-ifs, some of which, like with all such things, are better than others.  

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text 2012-09-21 08:00
Top 5 Ways to Connect with Writers & Authors

by Brittany Lavin


Let’s face it, writing is an isolating experience. As writers, we spend a lot of time in our own heads with little time for the outside world. We are so caught up in the story we are telling and the world and characters we have created that they become a part of us. However, we have to step away from the keyboard eventually. When we do, it’s nice to talk to someone who knows what we’re going through—like another writer.


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If, however, you are like me and don’t have many acquaintances who write, here are some ways who can go about meeting your kindred spirits—writers and authors just like you!


1. Hang out at your local bookstore. Most avid readers (like me) have also tried their hand at writing. 


2. Go to a poetry reading. No, you don’t have to go up and recite anything! Just sit and listen. If you like what you hear, strike up a conversation with the writer and the process they go through. It may be similar to yours. Don’t write poetry? Some bookstores (like Barnes & Noble) also hold monthly writers groups.


3. Online communities. When in doubt, always turn to the World Wide Web! Join any writing forum and you will have millions of other writers right at your fingertips. Of course, this doesn’t get you away from the keyboard—but a connection is a connection!


4. Bookstore events. Keep a close eye on your bookstore events, particularly book signings. Perhaps your favorite author is going to be at a bookstore near you. You will have a chance to not only meet them, but to pick their brain about their writing process and ask questions about how they got their start. 


5. Conferences. What better way to make a connection then a gathering of authors and writers all in one room? You can talk to writers from all over the country and get all of their points-of-view. Plus, it is a great social networking experience.

So don’t worry about spending all of your time in solitude and remember- you are not alone!




Brittany LavinBrittany Lavin has been an In-House Author Representative at Infinity Publishing for two years. Her job is to guide authors through the process of having their book published and provide them with administrative support. Brittany graduated from Cabrini College in 2009 with a BA in English and Communication. A writer at heart, Brittany dabbles in poetry and prose. She also enjoys reading, spending time with loved ones, and being a “Geek.”


Photo courtesy of dbdbrobot

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