Remember how the best episodes of any TV show were the ones that came in two parts? Remember how awesome the two-parter episodes of Magnum PI were? Anyway, this here is part one of a three part post on the rules of a responsive reality. Part two will be hosted by the Mighty Thor (James Schmidt) at on November 11th, and part three will be hosted by the excellent Wendell at
Some background: My dark fantasy novel, Beyond Redemption, takes place in a world where reality is responsive to the whims and desires of humanity. Mass belief—be it shaped by religion, politics, or public opinion—can cause sweeping changes in physical reality. Conversely, a single person, if insane enough to believe the impossible with utter conviction, can also twist reality. What follows is a brief discussion of some aspects of that reality
Click through to read more about the best fantasy novel you haven't read this year!