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quote 2016-08-17 07:20
办UoC diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证坎布里亚大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明University of Cumbria毕业证
Post Office - Charles Bukowski

【Bachelor Master】办DMU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证德蒙福特大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
De Montfort University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办Derby diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证德比大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Derby毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办Dundee diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证邓迪大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Dundee毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办Durham diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证杜伦大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Durham University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办EHU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证知山大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Edge Hill University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办ENU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证爱丁堡龙比亚大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Edinburgh Napier University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办UoE diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证埃塞克斯大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Essex毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办FU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证法尔茅斯大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Falmouth University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办GCU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证格拉斯哥卡利多尼亚大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Glasgow Caledonian University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办UoG diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证格鲁斯特大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Gloucestershire毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办GU diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证格林多大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Glyndwr University毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办GUL diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证伦敦大学金史密斯学院文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
Goldsmiths University of London毕业证?
【Bachelor Master】办UoG diploma Q微491266652[中留服官网]英国学位学历认证格林威治大学文凭成绩单留学回国人员证明
University of Greenwich毕业证?

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quote 2014-08-22 21:19
I had come to the racetrack after the other two funerals and had won. There was something about funerals. It made you see things better. A funeral a day and I'd be rich.
Post Office - Charles Bukowski

Post Office by Charles Bukowski

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quote 2014-08-21 16:47
'... Are you going to let me talk or not?'

'All right, little baby; yes.'

'All right, little baby says this: "Mama! Mama! Those fucking parakeets are driving me nuts!"'
Post Office - Charles Bukowski

- Post Office by Charles Bukowski

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quote 2014-08-20 12:49
I met an old drunk on the street one afternoon. I used to know him from the days with Betty when we made the rounds of the bars. He told me that he was now a postal clerk and that there was nothing to the job.

It was one of the biggest fattest lies of the century. I've been looking for that guy for years but I'm afraid somebody else has gotten to him first.
Post Office - Charles Bukowski

- Post Office by Charles Bukowski

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quote 2014-08-19 14:21

'Yes, ma'am, that's all I can bring you.' I turned and walked on.

It wasn't my fault that they used telephones and gas and light and bought all their things on credit. Yet when I brought them their bills they screamed at me--as if I had asked them to have a phone installed, or a $350 t.v. set sent over with no money down.
Post Office - Charles Bukowski

- Post Office by Charles Bukowski

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