Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the fight against Corona will be further increased in the next one week. By 20 April, every police station, every district, every state will be closely examined. How much is the lockdown being followed? It will be evaluated. Those who succeed, who will not allow hotspots, there may be a waiver of certain essentials from April 20, but remember this permission will be conditional. If the lockdown rules are broken, all permission will be withdrawn immediately.
The PM said to pay attention to these seven things: -
1 - Pay special attention to the elderly in your home
2- Lock Down and Social Distancing 8
3- Follow the instructions by Ministry of AYUSH to increase your immunity.
4- To prevent corona infection. Download the Arogya Setu App.
5- As much as possible, take care of such a poor family.
6- You have compassion for your business, people who work together, do not remove them from work.
7- Respect Corona warriors, doctors, nurses, police personnel, scavengers.