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text 2018-12-20 11:45
How to Log in Your Netgear Orbi Router?

 When you buy a new Orbi Router so the first step you need to take before using your router is Orbi Router Login, You must have logged in to use the high-speed internet.
I'm going to list here some useful steps by using

this you will be successfully login your Orbi Router.


Follow these simple steps to login into your Orbi Router.

  • Connect an Ethernet cable to the Internet port of your Orbi router and to the LAN port of your existing router or gateway.
  • Open any web browser in your Mobile device or Computer and connect it to existing Router LAN port or gateway. And start typing http://orbilogin.com and hit enter. The login window will be opens.
  • Type the router username and password in the given login column and click on login button 

    Note: The default user name is admin. And password is password. The user name and password are case-sensitive. The BASIC Home page displays.

  • Select ADVANCED > Advanced Setup > Router/AP Mode.

  • Select AP Mode

  • Click on Apply. Your settings are saved.


By following these above steps you can login your Orbi Router, and able to use.

To watch the tutorial on how to login Orbi Router Follow the link

Source: kb.netgear.com/31218/How-do-I-configure-my-Orbi-router-to-act-as-an-access-point
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