Title: Boss [Book 1, Part 3] The Baptiste Family Novella
Author: Brian W. Smith
Publisher: B.W. S.
Series: Part 3 Novella Series
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Boss [Book 1 Part 3]" by Brian W.Smith
My Thoughts....
OK, I will admit I don't like waiting to read part 2 and then waiting to read part 3 so...Now let me be clear to what I am saying. I wanted to read the whole story at one sitting, so when I met this author and learned that there was going to be a part 3 to this Boss story...I said OK [to myself].. I will just wait and read it all together Parts 1, 2 & 3 and yesterday I did just that and loved this amazing read. Part 3 is off the chart being so well written with all of its twist and turns! I still loved not having to wait and read it in parts. However, I will say this author does very well with his writing skills in bringing all of the parts 1, 2 and 3 altogether showing all of the 'drawn emotions' out of his characters. As the novella continues the author presents the reader with another character that will cause one to either love or hate who he is presented to the story of already a disruptive family. That definitely was a Wow moment for me at the end of the read! Oh, I will say the story Boss Part 3 doesn't stop here...we are getting even more from this author in the summer of 2016, BOSS (Book 2, Part 1). Thank you to the author for such a intriguing good story. Yes, I will probably do it again and get all the parts and then finish my read at one time and I am sure it will be another good read that the readers will be waiting till the end to get the rest of the 'Baptiste Family' story.