The Pete the Cat series has become an instant hit with elementary schools around the nation. Something about Pete and his catchy, groovy songs pulls students in and leaves them wanting more. This book is no different! This book, Pete the Cat is rocking his new school with this school shoes and is exciting to show them in the hall, in the classroom, and of course, in recess! The intended audience for this book is kindergarteners. In this book, it is Pete's first day back at school- just as it is kindergarteners first year in school, This book would be great to read on the first day of school. An activity I could do with this book would be on the first day of school, after reading this book, would to get students' thought on their first day of school excitements or anxieties. This would be something to keep through the year, and at the end of the school year show the students how far they have grown and gotten used to the routine and expectations of school. It probably won't be as scary as they initially think!