My result from the quiz "Which Roman Prose Author Are You?" found at BuzzFeed. The part about liking books is definitely true. Feel free to try it out and let me know who you get.
My result from the quiz "Which Roman Prose Author Are You?" found at BuzzFeed. The part about liking books is definitely true. Feel free to try it out and let me know who you get.
My result from the "Which Poet Are You? online quiz. While I have dabbled in poetry, I am nowhere near the league of Langston Hughes (or any major poet for that matter). Still, one can dream.
You can try the quiz yourself at this link:
My result from the "What Kind of Librarian Are You? "quiz. Now, I do happen to be a real librarian (degree and all). So, if you are a librarian, try it out, see what you get (is it close to the type of librarian you are?). If you are not a librarian, try it out, find out what your inner librarian may be.
A little something for fun. My result for the "Which X-Men Are You?" quiz. Feel free to click the link and try it out.