I had two boxes waiting for me when I got home today. One of them was the overflow from my trip to The Netherlands - all the stuff that threw me over the luggage weight limit.
The second box is the one that's more important to this post. Moonlight Reader ran a contest to help out Bella a few weeks ago, and I was the very lucky winner of a $50 Amazon gift card.
My goodies arrived today:
2 of these, At Home with Books: How Booklovers Live with and Care for Their Libraries, and Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide, have been books I've been wanting for quite some time. I especially can't wait to dive into At Home with Books, although my husband is probably going to groan when he sees it.
The other two, The Herbal Home Remedy Book: Simple Recipes for Tinctures, Teas, Salves, Tonics, and Syrups and Finding Sky were two I picked out on-the-fly; the Herbal Home Remedy seemed to go nicely with Rosemary Gladstar's book and I love the Henery Press mysteries I've read so far, so I wanted to try out this one.
Thanks again to Moonlight Reader for putting this donation inspiration together. The books arrived with particular timeliness as Big Beardy Bloke Buried By Books just posted that Bella has had her surgery and is recovery nicely. Yay!