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review 2016-10-21 01:26
Review of "New Money" (Savannah Morgan #1)
New Money: A Novel - Lorraine Zago Rosenthal

Well, mixed feelings on this one.  I liked the premise and the initially sympathetic heroine well enough, but could have been a lot funnier with more potential.


I also didn't realize it had a sequel when I checked it out of the library.  The sequel sounds like fills in more of the story, including her seeking answers about her father's dand the eath (not a spoiler, book opens with her getting her inheritance).


Whiff of a love triangle (which I seldom enjoy) that was fortunately quickly resolved.  A little too easily resolved as one love interest became the saintly underdog and the other the snobby class-ist douchebag.


It would have gotten another star if hadn't used some disliked tropes like slut shaming the BFF, a lesbian character dressing in combat boots with bad makeup, etc.  I have DNF'ed other books for less.


My rating was likely influenced because I generally like the rags-to-riches and Cinderalla type of stories. 


The writing and editing were fine, but despite being mainstream published the story itself reminded me of many self published works.  I think because flow wasn't great -- seemed improbable (or un-researched) in places and very stream of consciousness reality in others.


I do want to know what's next.  But not enough to pay current basically hardcover price if doesn't come to my library or drop to normal paperback price range.  

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review 2016-10-16 04:04
Review of "Cinder" (Lunar Chronicles, #1)
Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1) - Marissa Meyer

Actually, I'd rate this ★★★★☆ for almost the first half but ★★☆☆☆ for the last portion.


Opened unexpectedly exciting with great worldbuilding and sympathetic heroine.  Harder to explain why I didn't care for the finish as much.  End not quite as good on the story flow, but not enough to account for why I didn't like as much.  Definitely YA tropes crept in including "mean girl" to the extreme with the steps and everything-be-all-end-all for the crush.  I think it was more that I didn't like lots of what happened (plus lost some of the excitement waiting on stuff I already guessed would happen) -- which doesn't stop me from wanting to know what happens next.

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