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review 2020-04-01 21:01
10 Tips to rank on Google in 2020

Discussion about improve ranking and rank higher on Google

As we all know if we have to rank on Google. So for that we have to take care of many things.
Once I heard a joke that if you want to hide a dead body, then the best place is the second page of Google. If seen, these things are also true to a great extent. According to a Google article, only 0.78% of the searches go to see results on the second page of Google. So in such a situation, it is important that if you drive traffic to your website, then you have to rank on the 1st page of Google. Otherwise you will lose a lot of traffic on your site.

So this article totally all about higher ranking. Especially how to get your website first, second, third or 4th number on Google. Stayed with Digital Anki – Best SEO Expert in Gurgaon.

1. Be mobile-friendly website
2. Load Decently Fast in Seconds
3. Have clear navigation and UX
4. Be secure using HTTPS
5. Be free of other glaring Tech SEO issues
6. Have well-written content on site

All these things should be fixed inside a website. If you are thinking that only by doing all this your website will start ranking in Google. So it is not so. But if you implement all these things on your website, then it will definitely help in ranking your website.


So let’s start: Rank on Google

Source: digitalanki.com/10-steps-to-improve-your-ranking-on-google-and-rank-higher-on-google-in-2020
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2020-04-01 20:56
Tips to create effective backlinks for website in 2020


Backlink:- To give a link to someone, you get an idea by this name. Now it depends who is giving the link to whom.

“You must have noticed that whenever we buy a good product. So the people who know us about it ask us where you brought it from. So in that case what you do is tell me if I can buy it from him.”

“When you buy a good mobile phone. At that time your friends ask you where to get it from. So you take the name of the shop from where you bought that mobile.”

What are you doing in both these cases? You are giving backlinks to that shop or that company as a reference. By doing this the shop will get more new customers. But that shopkeeper joined a new customer through you.
This is how we create backlinks on the website. But always keep in mind that any website will give you backlink only when there is something special in your website. Because there is something special in that website itself. So whenever you take a backlink from a website, keep in mind “why should they give you a backlink”.

If a good website has given a backlink to your website, then surely you will see an increase in both the ranking and user of the website.
So always keep in mind that if you want to rank your website in Google, or bring more users to your website. So for that, your website should get good quality backlinks.

If you ask yourself this question and make a backlink, then that website will definitely refer you.

So let’s find out without wasting much time. What are those special things, due to which we will get another website backlink?


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Source: digitalanki.com/create-backlinks-for-websites
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