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text 2019-01-02 18:46
Dance. Love. Learn. Repeat. - Lucy Iviso... Dance. Love. Learn. Repeat. - Lucy Ivison Tom Ellen,Fabienne Pfeiffer

Das Buch ist abwechselnd aus Phoebes und Lukes Sicht geschriebene, was einen tiefen Einblick in die Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt der beiden ermöglicht. Dadurch habe ich mich beiden sehr nah gefühlt und ihre inneren Konflikte hautnah miterlebt. Auch die Kapitellänge war sehr angenehm und ich kam schnell in einen zügigen Lesefluss und hatte richtig Spaß die beiden bei ihrem Uni-Alltag zu begleiten. 

Das Buch ist teilweise ganz lustig geschrieben und leicht zu lesen, allerdings gibt es auch viele schlechtere Sachen, so wie die Galerie der Schande und die vielen Alkohol-Exzesse. Trotzdem würde mich interessieren, wie die Geschichte der beiden weiter geht. Immerhin hat die Autorin nur über das erste Semester geschrieben, dem ja noch einige folgen werden.

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review 2015-05-06 00:00
Sex Love Repeat
Sex Love Repeat - Alessandra Torre image

I am not sure what was off for me on this one?? I like it. I just didn't love it. I think maybe the 2 men thing may have done it. I am super jealous and possessive with my men and I don't like there being two to pick from! I can't say much without ruining this one because there are several surprises throughout the book! I wasn't expecting the surprises either, which is nice! There were some smoking HOT scenes that I loved! I would recommend this read, I listened to this one so I would even recommend the audio!
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review 2015-02-27 03:50
Sex Love Repeat
Sex Love Repeat - Alessandra Torre

My thoughts on this book are hard to wrap my head around, but I'm hoping to gain some clarity as I type it out. 


Obviously there is sex in this book - just look at the title. And there is a lot of sex in this book. Sometimes I felt as if the sex scenes were a bit... disconnected. I think that's the word I'm looking for. It was kind of like - "Hi - have sex - bye" That's not my sexual style, but I know it is for some people. I don't have issue with that - to each their own. I guess the issue I had with it is that I expect to see that kind of approach with one-night-stands rather than in long term relationships - even one as messed up as this one was. 


The other disappointment I had with this book was that, for me, there was a complete lack of love between the characters. Oh, they said they loved each other and I believed they were telling the truth. It's just that the author didn't show me that. I had more of an understanding of why Madison and Paul loved the ocean and Stewart loved his job, more than I had reasons for why Madison loved these men and they loved her. Other than the sex. That was clearly explained. But that's lust, not love.


What I did like about this book was the fact that the author could present me with a love/lust triangle where I didn't hate any of the characters or their actions. Sure I was frustrated with Stewart and his job. I wanted Paul to be more concerned about himself sometimes rather than just bending to whatever Madison wanted. I hoped Madison would make a choice. But I didn't hate any of them. I didn't feel any one was leading someone else on. 


Well, at least not until the very last chapter. It did explain Madison's reaction (or lack of) when she learned the news, and it helped satisfy my questions of 'how could she not know, how could she not even once accidentally mention one of their names..' However, it actually made me dislike her a bit for keeping the relationships going once she knew the truth. Maybe if that chapter had been a bit longer and we saw more of a struggle from her on if she should choose or not and why she decided to keep things as they were. She had to know there would be consequences. She got lucky in the end - I suppose it's good that her story exists in a fiction novel :-)

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review 2014-11-02 05:50
Sex Love Repeat - Alessandra Torre

Alessandra Torre is quickly becoming one of my go to writers & This is only the 2nd book I've read of hers. With that said, I loved this book. It's a quick book that I read in one sitting. This is a love triangle book but, it's not an angsty love triangle. It's a love triangle that you'll actually enjoy. Maddison is dating 2 guys, Stewart & Paul. They both know about one another, accept the situation, yet neither of the men have met one another. Both men love her & she loves them both. This love triangle works for them, until something happens and decisions need to be made.


This book is extremely well written. You'd think with 2 different story lines going on between 3 people, it'll be somewhat confusing. Especially with all the twists & turns along the way. Except It's anything but confusing. This book could have been a disaster & it wasn't. It was perfect! I highly recommend this book. I should probably at least mention how extremely sexy & HOT this book is.......OR you could read it and find out for yourselves! I promise you'll love it!

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text 2014-11-01 21:17
Sex Love Repeat - Alessandra Torre

If you download the everafter romance app you can read this book for free! I downloaded this app on my iPad & iPhone and you can automatically start reading this book. The app seems pretty cool. You can browse for books by romance genre or author & even read your downloaded books without leaving the app. The app is free so you don't have anything to lose & you get a free book by an awesome author! 

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