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text 2019-03-01 10:52
Every learner deserves these guidelines

Any learner has to realize the environment that works best for him or her. The student has to undertake a constant appraisal of the coursework and determining the gaps, they can fill to meet the high expectations. Professors raise the bar too high for the students to achieve. Many students can manage with useful guidelines when they have exhausted the input from the professors and course materials. Summary Writing can be a good starting point for a student seeking to learn new ideas and implementing in class.

The guideline works best for the written assignments involving reviews of books and journal article. The learner can build a good case based on the notes they make from the writing process. Therefore, handling an assignment requires a proper investment of time and resources recommended by the professors or additional resources from the web or library. However, the materials should be academic due to the originality and authenticity of the work. On the other hand, entrusting the work with Term Paper Writing Service could be another avenue for completing assignments.

Many students do not understand the potential of the experts offering their skills and ability to compile good assignments to the interest clients. The professional writers can be a source of the guidance a learner needs in the course of establishing a proper pursuit of academic excellence. Thesis Writing Service has the writing guides that could complement the effort made by the freelance writers to complete the theoretical work on behalf of the learner. The guidelines contained in the professional services are relevant and practical because they are adjusted according to the academic task at hand.

Students could still develop a good working schedule so that completing assignments, attending classes, and participating in the class forums becomes easy. Proper time management positions the learner for better academic outcomes due to the opportunities created to attend to every assignment and accommodating the tasks arising in the process. Many learners do not realize the potential they have until they are faced with the recurring academic challenges demanding their individual attention.

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review 2017-04-05 12:01
Harry Potter y los personajes irritantes
Harry Potter y la Camara Secreta = Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets   [SPA-HARRY POTTER Y LA CAMARA S] [Spanish Edition] [Hardcover] - The Summary Guy

Lo bueno:
J.K. Rowling mejoró notablemente su habilidad para urdir una trama sin desperdicios en este libro. Al haber hecho el trabajo pesado de crear un mundo complejo, mágico y verosímil a la vez, en la entrega anterior de la saga, esta novela le permite concentrarse en la trama y todo lo que esta conlleva. «La cámara secreta» se lee rápido y enmascara muy bien todo el setup que hace para las historias subsecuentes (en especial para «Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe»).
Lo malo:

La trama tarda un poco en arrancar. Harry pasa mucho tiempo con los Dursley al principio de la novela y la incorporación de Dobby, más toda la secuencia del coche volador, no ayudan mucho tampoco. Por otra parte, no se puede obviar algunas coincidencias importantes que debilitan la trama, como, por ejemplo, el que el trío de protagonistas se encontraran en el lugar correcto cuando se revela el peligro inminente de la cámara secreta. Asimismo, en lugar de una investigación activa y personajes que hacen que la trama progrese, esta entrega de la saga sufre de un Harry pasivo al que, más bien, le suceden cosas.
Lo cierto:
«La cámara secreta» es, para muchos, la oveja negra de la franquicia de Harry Potter. Aunque no sé si la llamaría así, es innegable que es la más débil de todas las historias del niño hechicero (escritas por Rowling). Sin embargo, es entretenida y necesaria. Tiene uno que otro bache menor, como la fiesta de Nick Casi Decapitado, y un exceso de personajes irritantes (Dobby, los Dursley, Lockhart y Myrtle la Llorona) que la hacen engorrosa con frecuencia. Aún así, el veredicto no cambia… ¡La recomiendo!

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text 2017-03-11 18:29
great read!
The 4-Hour Work Week: By Timothy Ferriss | Summary & Analysis - QuickRead

favorite book of all time

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review 2017-02-09 16:55
Well, Cliffnotes has no worries
Summary and Analysis of The Underground Railroad: Based on the Book - Worth Books
Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley.

I honestly believe that many students today do not realize how easy in some ways they have it. When I was in school, we just had Cliffnotes. Today, there are Cliffnotes, Sparknotes, Monkeynotes, Charles River Editors Guides and so on. Worth Books (a Division of Open Road Media) offers “Smart Summaries” of various titles is the latest group to offer such books.

Like many other summery and analysis books, Worth Books makes it clear that this is a supplement to the book, in this case The Underground Railroad, and not a replacement for actually reading the book. In terms of summery, this is well done, functioning more as a summery as opposed to spoiler filled plot synopsis. There is a summery section as well as a major character section, and these two things work together.

The weakest part is the analysis section. It’s not bad, and in a general way, it is good. The strongest points are the context section, which notes the publication history and events in both the publishing world and “real” world. The sections using quotes from the novel and explaining references are good. The reference section, however, does leave out a bit in terms of historical events that Whitehead did draw are. The left-out thing that most disturbed was the total lack of mention of Octavia Butler. True, Butler’s Kindred can be classified as science fiction, but it is an important fictional book about slavery. To not even mention in the further reading section or a brief rundown of other slavery novels is an oversight. Additionally, there is a definite link between Butler and Whitehead. This does not lessen either work, but if an author is going to make a justified comparison to The Diary of Anne Frank, Butler should be mentioned as well.

It might be helpful as a starting point for discussions at a book club where conversation is hard to start.


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review 2016-01-15 12:58
The Liar: by Nora Roberts | Summary & Analysis - Book*Sense

The liar by Nora Roberts
Starts out with Shelby going through her late husbands records, health records and bills. Things start to click the light bulb on. Now she knows his past, some of it.
She has nothing to raise her 3 year old daughter on as she owes taxes, overdue bills and has no house or cars or anything.  She's able to consign clothes and sell jewelry which wasn't what he told her they were worth, arts and books.
She arrives back home to TN and others are after her about money her husband owed them as another name. She found money and other things in his safe deposit at the bank.
Like hands on your nose, the trails, familiar surroundings and the hometown feel she is welcomed once returning home. Don't like that's there more pain for her to endure and more struggles. Griff is a handyman who likes her and her daughter and they do hit it off.
Love the words of the day!  Hot steamy sex scenes and more identities to go with who she thought was her husband.
Fast paced action, mysteries and romance.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

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