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photo 2018-12-31 17:45

cmusict.com offer 流行木結他/電結他/低音結他課程內容由淺入深 -四堂內目標係保證能學會一首流行曲 (e.g.蒲公英的約定,最後晚餐,風箏,學生可自行選擇) -除了自彈自唱外,更會教你不同風格的演奏技巧 (如藍調,爵士,指彈等等) -教學目的希望學生將樂器的知識融會貫通,真正了解音樂, 想了解更多資訊請瀏覽 https://www.cmusict.com/%E9%9F%B3%E6%A8%82%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B/


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photo 2013-02-07 15:49
...some drops of thought... :D
something to know and learn about... :D

these are some quotes taken from the book that made an impact upon me after I have experienced to read and be connected (for I am also same with the author himself with the passion and field of profession) to the heartwarming and touching true to life story and experience of a dreamer and a great teacher...

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