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review 2020-08-19 16:55
Der verschwundene Halbgott // The Lost Hero!!!
Der verschwundene Halbgott (Heroes of Olympus, #1) - Rick Riordan

german and english review

Inhalt: Jason erinnert sich an nichts mehr - nicht einmal an seinen Namen. Leo und Piper scheinen zwar seine Freunde zu sein, aber auch das kann er nicht mit Sicherheit sagen. Und als es die drei dann plötzlich ins Camp Half Blood verschlägt, wo angeblich nur Kinder von griechischen Göttern aufgenommen werden, versteht er gar nichts mehr ...
Allem Anschein nach gehören die drei Freunde tatsächlich zu den legendären sieben Halbgöttern, die den Olymp vor dem Untergang bewahren sollen. Kein Problem, los geht's -denn Leo treibt einen kaputten mechanischen Drachen als Transportmittel auf und macht ihn wieder flott!
Und dann gilt es auch noch einen seit längerem verschwundenen Halbgott zu finden, einen gewissen Percy Jackson ...

Meine Bewertung: Ich liebe es!!!

Oh Gott, es ist großartig wieder etwas in der Welt zu lesen, vor allem etwas Neues, nachdem ich ja immer nur die Percy Jackson Reihe gelesen habe. Ich wusste echt nicht in welche Richtung die Serie hier gehen würde und war vorher auch wirklich jedem einzelnen Spoiler aus dem Weg gegangen, was garnicht so einfach war.

Ich bin total begeistert. Von den Charakteren, der Story. ALLES.

Die drei neuen Hauptcharaktere sind schon jetzt meine Babies. Ich liebe Piper so sehr. Und Leo. Jason auch, nur nicht so sehr wie die anderen Beiden. Ooops. Ich finde aber seine Geschichte unheimlich spannend und interessant. Die Freundschaft der drei ist einfach alles. Sie sind noch nicht auf dem "Percy, Annabeth, Grover sind meine Babies" Level, aber ich hab ja noch einige Bücher übrig.

Ich bin wirklich auf den Rest der Serie gespannt und wo das alles hinführt.


Summary: JASON HAS A PROBLEM. He doesn’t remember anything before waking up in a bus full of kids on a field trip. Apparently he has a girlfriend named Piper, and his best friend is a guy named Leo. They’re all students at the Wilderness School, a boarding school for “bad kids," as Leo puts it. What did Jason do to end up here? And where is here, exactly? Jason doesn't know anything—except that everything seems very wrong.

PIPER HAS A SECRET. Her father has been missing for three days, ever since she had that terrifying nightmare about his being in trouble. Piper doesn’t understand her dream, or why her boyfriend suddenly doesn’t recognize her. When a freak storm hits during the school trip, unleashing strange creatures and whisking her, Jason, and Leo away to someplace called Camp Half-Blood, she has a feeling she’s going to find out, whether she wants to or not.

LEO HAS A WAY WITH TOOLS. When he sees his cabin at Camp Half-Blood, filled with power tools and machine parts, he feels right at home. But there’s weird stuff, too—like the curse everyone keeps talking about, and some camper who's gone missing. Weirdest of all, his bunkmates insist that each of them—including Leo—is related to a god. Does this have anything to do with Jason's amnesia, or the fact that Leo keeps seeing ghosts?

My review: I love it!!!

Oh god, it was just the greatest to be back into the world and to actually read something new than just rereading the Percy Jackson series. I didn't know what to expect from this series and I avoided every single spoiler, which wasn't that easy.

I'm totally excited about this. The characters, the story. EVERYTHING.

The three new characters are my babies already. I love Piper so much. And Leo. Jason, of course, not as much as the others but I like him. Ooops. But I find his story super interesting and just fascinating. The friendship between these three is everything. They aren't on the "Percy, Annabeth, Grover are my babies" level, but I still got a few more books left.

I'm just totally excited to read the rest of the series and I'm sooo looking forward to finding out where this will go.

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text 2018-04-12 02:14
The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan,Joshua Swanson

Rick Riordan has another great book about Greek gods and demigods? Yes he does, and it is called The Lost Hero. The Lost Hero is a young adult fiction book, which is my favorite genre. It is my favorite genre because books in this genre use strong vocabulary. I choose to read a book by Rick Riordan because many of his other books have been very good. One recent title that I have read is Flush by Carl Hiassen. This book is about how Catherine struggles to get through life as her younger brother, David, gets in the way. David has autism and doesn't understand when not to do things. This frustrates Catherine but throughout the book she works through it. I  recommend this book if you are looking for a short, yet entertaining, book. I choose to read The Lost Hero because I have heard many good reviews about it. Currently I am just a little bit into this lengthy book but it is good so far. I know that Jason, the main character, forgets everything about himself and where he is at. He wakes up on a bus holding some girls hand who he has never seen before. But he tries to fit in until a fight breaks out. Jason ends up saving someone from falling off a cliff and beating up two other people who he has never seen before. Oh, and Jason also has a magic coin that turns into a sword.  Rick Riordan's style is very live and energetic. In the first two chapters there is lots of action. It is a little early in the novel to make any predictions  but the plot is developing pretty quickly. One passage that stands out is when Jason first wakes up. He is completely lost and has no idea whats going on. I think we can all relate to having atleast one moment like this. That's about all I have to say about The Lost Hero so  far. But I will keep reading and update you guys soon!

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review 2018-02-09 16:46
The Lost Hero
The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan,Joshua Swanson

I always have a lot of fun with Rick Riordan's books, and this was not different. I'm make a full review of the entire series when I'm done, but for now just know that I'm loving this!

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text 2018-02-06 02:14
Reading progress update: I've read 206 out of 439 pages.
The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan,Joshua Swanson

I know I'm really liking a story when I start searching fanart of the characters.


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text 2018-02-01 21:08
Reading progress update: I've read 70 out of 439 pages.
The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan,Joshua Swanson

I loved the original Percy Jackson series when I was a kid. Getting back into the sequel series now is exciting, I hope I still enjoy it.

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