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review 2021-11-16 18:52
Unruhige Zeiten

Carl Friedländer, Luise Beese, genannt Isi, und Artur Burwitz haben den Ersten Weltkrieg überlebt. Nun haben sich die drei Freunde bis nach Berlin durchgeschlagen. Der Kaiser ist gestürzt, die Zeiten sind im Umbruch. Carl sieht das Treiben der Aufständischen mit Sorge. Er will Kameramann werden. Artur hat mit kriminellen Machenschaften großen Erfolg, aber schwebt in Gefahr. Und Isi unterstützt die Linken im politischen Kampf. Doch ihre Prinzipien werden auf die Probe gestellt...


„Revolution der Träume“ ist der zweite Teil der „Wege der Zeit“-Reihe von Andreas Izquierdo.


Meine Meinung:
Der Roman besteht aus 92 Kapiteln, die sich über mehrere Teile erstrecken.
Erzählt wird in der Ich-Perspektive aus der Sicht von Carl. Die Handlung spielt an unterschiedlichen Schauplätzen. Die Stadtkarte in den Innenklappen ist daher ein nützliches Extra.


Der Schreibstil ist recht anschaulich, jedoch etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig und für meinen Geschmack zu aufgeregt. Die vielen Ein-Satz-Absätze sind außerdem auf Dauer ein wenig nervig.


Auch ohne Vorkenntnisse des ersten Bandes lässt sich der zweite Teil der Reihe gut verstehen. Allerdings wäre es wohl besser, zuerst den Auftakt zu lesen.


Die drei Protagonisten sind authentische Charaktere, die psychologische Tiefe aufweisen. Besonders die freche und mutige Isi konnte meine Sympathie gewinnen.


Das Setting klingt sehr reizvoll und hat meine Neugier geweckt. Tatsächlich ist dem Roman die fundierte Recherche des Autors anzumerken. Dennoch bleiben die gesellschaftlichen und politischen Umstände an einigen Stellen etwas zu blass.


Auf rund 500 Seiten ist die Geschichte weitestgehend kurzweilig und überraschend, wenn auch nicht sonderlich bewegend.


Das Cover passt zum Genre und trifft absolut meinen Geschmack. Auch der Titel ist eine gute Wahl.


Mein Fazit:
Mit „Revolution der Träume“ hat mich Andreas Izquierdo nur zum Teil überzeugt. Ich bin mir noch nicht schlüssig, ob ich den nächsten Band der Reihe lesen möchte.

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text 2021-07-20 15:45
Are you ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution?

We're on the cusp of the 4th industrial revolution. It's very not quite the same as the three Industrial Revolutions that went before it—steam and water force, power and sequential construction systems, and computerization—since it will even test our thoughts regarding being human.

What is the 4IR?

The fourth modern insurgency describes the striking changes to the way we relish, work and identify with each other because of the variety of digital actual frameworks, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of Systems. As we carry out brilliant shifts in our industrial equipment and work environments, associated machines will interact, envision the entire conception chain and settle on choices autonomously. This revolution is expected to affect all orders, ventures, and economies. While somehow or another it's an augmentation of the computerization of the third Industrial Revolution (Digital Revolution), because of the pace, extension, and frameworks effect of the improvements of the fourth unrest, it is being viewed as an unmistakable period. The 4th industrial revolution is  pretty much every industry in each nation and making a huge change in a non-straight manner at remarkable speed.

What are the industry 4.0 technologies?

Here is the list of the industry 4.0 technologies

Additive Manufacturing. 3D printing is a perfect example of additive manufacturing. Instead of prototyping individual elements, companies can now create small lots of customized products. The resulting advantages include the fast manufacturing of complex, lightweight designs.

Augmented Reality. Augmented reality (AR) technology supports various services, such as selecting parts in a warehouse and sending patch instructions over mobile devices. With AR, businesses can provide associate teams with real-time information that enhances decision-making and work schemes.

Autonomous Robots. Autonomous robots can communicate with one another and work carefully side by side with humans. These robots will be cost-effective and have an ever-widening range of capacities over time.

Big Data and Analytics. In an industry 4.0 technologies context, the collection and comprehensive evaluation of data from many different roots—production machines and systems as well as enterprise- and customer-management systems—will become table stakes.

The Cloud. The added production-related actions a company offers, the more it needs to share data across sites. Meanwhile, cloud industry 4.0 technologies continue to get faster and more robust. Businesses will increasingly use machine data and analytics in the cloud, thus facilitating more data-driven services for production systems.

Cybersecurity. It’s no surprise that The 4th industrial revolution boosts increased connectivity and the use of standard communications protocols. As a result, the requirement to safeguard critical industrial systems and manufacturing models from cybersecurity threats increases dramatically. For this reason, protected, reliable communications, together with advanced access management for machines and identification verification of users, are necessary.

Horizontal and Vertical System Integration. The 4th industrial revolution allows companies, departments, functions, and capabilities to become much more cohesive. Cross-company, universal data-integration networks evolve and enable truly automated value chains.

The Industrial Internet of Things. The 4th industrial revolution means that more devices are interconnected with embedded computing. This process enables electronic devices to communicate both with one another and with more centralized controllers. This 4th industrial revolution also decentralizes analytics and decision-making, thus allowing responses in real-time.

Simulation. Simulations are a foundation of the digital transformation industry 4.0. They’re used widely in plant processes to leverage real-time data and to mirror the physical world. Done right, this 4th industrial revolution allows operators to test and optimize settings in various variations, thereby driving down machine setup times and improving quality.

What’s the promise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

For sure, perhaps the best promise of the 4th industrial revolution

 Its potential is to work on the personal achievement of the total people and raise pay levels. For those in First World nations who as of now partake in a portion of the advantages of an associated world just as new items and organizations created to utilize the advancements, we like the efficiencies and accommodations given like booking a trip to getting film suggestions. Our working environments and associations are becoming "more brilliant" and more productive as machines, and people begin to cooperate, and we utilize associated gadgets to upgrade our inventory chains and distribution centers. The advances of the 4th industrial revolution may even help us with bettering catastrophic events and possibly likewise fix a portion of the harm fashioned by past mechanical upsets.

What’s the potential peril of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

World governments need to appropriately plan for and manage the 4th industrial revolution to ensure our security. There might be increased social pressures as a result of the socioeconomic changes brought by the 4th industrial revolution that could produce a job market that’s separated into “low-skill/low-pay” and “high-skill/high-pay” segments. Typically, first adopters of digital transformation industry 4.0 are the ones with the financial means to secure it, and that technology can slingshot their continued success improving the economic breaks. Some jobs will become out-of-date.

Additionally, the changes of digital transformation industry 4.0 might develop so speedily. Even those who are ahead of the curve in terms of their knowledge and preparation, might not be able to keep up with the ripple consequences of the changes.

How best to prepare for the 4th industrial revolution?

Digital transformation industry 4.0 is shaping a future that goes for all by placing people first, empowering them, and continually reminding ourselves that all of these 4th industrial revolution technologies are the first and leading tools made by people for people.

Humans must be proactive in shaping this technology and disruption. This requires global collaboration and a shared view of how 4th industrial revolution technology reshaped our economic, social, cultural, and individual lives.

Companies should start focusing and investing in their technical infrastructure and data analyzing abilities. All businesses must be making a move to be smart, connected businesses or they will soon fall behind the competition.

We need to develop managers with the skills to manage organizations through these dramatic shifts. As professionals, we need to espouse change and understand that what our jobs are today might be dramatically modified in the not too distant future. Our education and training systems need to change to better prepare people for the flexibility and critical reasoning skills they will need in the future workplace.

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review 2020-12-01 15:14
Bitcoin Trader Review

We have therefore decided to review Bitcoin Trader. We tested the auto-trading system and we can confirm that it is a legit software. 


As experienced cryptocurrency traders, we know how lucrative these robots are – many people make a fortune with trading robots every day. 


More people should know how they work and get started reaping the financial benefits.


During our review we found the following related keywords: bitcointrader, the bitcoin trader, bit coin trader, bitcoin trading system, bitcoin trader dragons den, this morning bitcoin trader interview, this morning bitcoin trader, Is Bitcoin Trader A Scam, bitcoin trader login, bitcoin news trader.


Bitcoin Revival Review

Bitcoin Revival implements top strategies in the crypto market to ensure investors gain maximum profits at all times.


The software incorporates superior technical and fundamental strategies, which includes interpretation of multiple robust indicators as well as THE deciphering of relevant economic news and events using artificial intelligence.
It is why the trades with accuracy levels of above 99%, which guarantees investors maximum daily profits.


Bitcoin Revival trades the crypto market with complete automation. From market analysis and signal generation to order execution and risk management, little to no human intervention is required when trading with the software.


In financial trading, automation ensures that a strategy is applied at its optimal best, all the time. In this way, even new traders with no prior trading experience can now trade cryptocurrencies and make real profits.


Get started right now!



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review 2020-09-01 12:51
Political relativism on the highest level
Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard - Veronique Pauly (Editor), J. H. Stape (Editor),Joseph Conrad

Why did it take me so long to finish Nostromo? First of all, life. I don’t know about you guys and girls, but my past weeks, even months were busy and crazy af. Secondly, for various reasons, 6 other books squeezed themselves in between since I started Nostromo in April, which – in hindsight – was not helping the reading experience, because this is a very complex novel.
Therefore the already confusing political circumstances became even more confusing for me, because after a long break from Nostromo, during which I might have read two or three different books, I often forgot or confused some of the characters and hence was a bit lost plotwise. But hey, that’s what times filled with revolutions and counter-revolutions are all about – chaos and confusion. So in this regard, I guess I got the full experience.

Nostromo is set in Costaguana, a fictitious republic somewhere in South America. The novel moves quite slowly at the beginning, so initially you have a lot of time to get acquainted with the main characters, the setting and some early events along the storyline. The slow pace is a good thing though, because honestly this novel takes some time to get used to, but the more I progressed, the more it grew on me. With the exception of the last few chapters which are slower again, Conrad really picks up the speed in approximately the last third of his novel – stuff is happening left, right and centre, the perspective is shifting within the chapters, time jumps back and forth and as mentioned before, after taking a long break and reading something else in between, I admit that I struggled quite a bit to pick up where I left, but there is only myself to blame for that.

This is a very political and very complex novel (well, it is written by Conrad after all) about revolutions, counter-revolutions, political scheming, speculation, exploitation, colonization, morals, individual monomaniacal ideas, and everything in between. Even if you read Nostromo without taking crazy long breaks, it is easy to loose focus and I somehow have the feeling that even Conrad himself was on the verge of getting lost in the events of his own novel from time to time.

Somehow Nostromo reminded me a lot of For Whom the Bell Tolls, especially regarding the South American way of revolting and not really caring at the same time. Yet the political relativism expressed by Conrad surpasses Hemingway by miles! Conrad challenges the whole notion of linear historical progress by presenting a cyclical repetition of events that ultimately renders every decision and action basically irrelevant. One of my favourite sentences from the novel’s preface, that sums up this point really well, is: „Nostromo’s narrative structure generates a similar chaos by blurring cause and effect.“ I couldn’t have said it any better.

As I mentioned in one of my first Nostromo posts, the character Nostromo appears very scarcely (similar to Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame), even though there is a sheer mountain of  secondary literature dealing solely with Nostromo, his motives and/or his psychology. Personally, I didn’t much care for him, and neither did Conrad apparently (as expressed in one of his letters): „I don’t defend Nostromo himself. Fact is he does not take my fancy either.“

One more thing editing-wise. The editor added quite a number of notes and annotations to the text, most of which is helpful background info about historical events, literary sources or just a general help for some of the strange sounding expressions for which Conrad used a one-to-one translation of a Gallicism into English. But if I ever meet the editor (which is highly unlikely), I will personally punch her in the face for one of the notes in which she completely spoilers the death of a character without any warning! This particular character just got introduced in the very chapter in which said annotation is placed and it happens to be the one character I immediately fell in love with and really cared about.

But to finally wrap this up: the 3,5 out of 5 stars reflect my personal reading experience (which was a rather rugged one) rather than the actual quality of Nostromo. Because to do such a novel justice, I would have to re-read while being more focused which I will do at some point in the future.

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text 2020-08-22 21:51
Worst Service Blogging Mistakes
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