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quote 2018-01-28 04:01
Just because something is typed -- whether it is typed on a business card or typed in a newspaper or book -- this does not mean that it is true.
The Wide Window - Lemony Snicket

Chapter 4


The Baudelaire children are well aware of this simple fact, which makes them smarter than some adults.

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quote 2018-01-28 03:51
Mr. Poe was kindhearted, but it is not enough in this world to be kindhearted, particularly if you are responsible for keeping children out of danger.
The Wide Window - Lemony Snicket

Chapter 1

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quote 2015-01-11 07:57
“To remain in love for a lifetime : listen actively to your partner, ask questions, give answers, appreciate, stay attractive, include your partner, give him/her privacy, be honest and trustworthy, tell your mate what you need, accept his/her shortcomings as who they are, give respect in all things, never threaten to leave, say 'no' to adultery, and cultivate variety in your activities to keep things fresh. You can never say 'I love you' too many times and you should say it every day. Even though you've been together forever it seems, you should still continue to 'date' your mate and find new ways to fall in love with them every. Single. Day.”
Wide Spaces - Shelly Crane

Wide Spaces by Shelly Crane

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quote 2014-11-12 04:53
"The love you fight for is the love that can mend bridges, heal scares, and open closed hearts."
Wide Open (Wide Awake) - Shelly Crane

Wide Open by Shelly Crane

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quote 2014-04-05 17:33
“Welcome, my dear,” the old woman croaked, turning just enough that Annie could see her wrinkled cheek and the glint of an eye beneath the concealing cape and hood. “Come in and see what I’m making just for you. See how the thread shines? Go ahead and touch it. Feel how soft it is.”“
You have got to be joking!” said Annie. “I’m not touching that thing!”
The old woman turned toward her, letting her hood fall away. Her wrinkled face was contorted in an angry scowl as she pointed one of her gnarled fingers at Annie and said, “You’re not Princess Gwendolyn! You’re not even beautiful. Why, I have rats in my poison pit that are prettier than you!”
The Wide-Awake Princess - E.D. Baker

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