Title: Catchin' Feelings For a Married Man 3 (Catchin' Feelings For A Married Man)
By: LaQuita Cameron
Publisher: Cole Hart Presents
Series: Catchin' Feeling For A Married Man
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Catchin' Feelings For A Married Man 3" (Catchin' Feelings For A Married Man) by LaQuita Cameron
My Thoughts.....
This author really gives the reader quite a story in this part 3 of this novel. There was quite some drama in this storyline that will definitely keep your attention till the end where it seems like it all comes together in a very neat package. The characters ...all of them were simply well developed, defined, some more than others...even believable. From Jazz, Zenayia, Tami, Damon, Kara, Jennifer, Emani to name a few were all simply off the chart.
I loved this blurb from Jazz: Is he finally getting the sense of it all?
"If it hadn't cost me $500 I would've tossed it right about now. Once again I am the one who is cheated on. What is it with these women these day? "I'm not gone lie, I've been messing around with Kara, cheating on my wife. But I don't want this life any more. I miss my son and my daughter. I wish everything could return to how it used to be."
I will leave it for the reader to see for yourself how well this author presents to us one interesting series. What a friendship some of these characters had was simply ... I really can't describe it. You will only have to read it for yourself as the story unfolds especially that brother and sister situation? So, if you are looking for a urban series that is full of drama at its highest... I would definitely recommend this series to you [Catchin' Feelings For A Married Man 1,2 and 3.] to really understand the whole story.