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review 2017-04-19 06:56
DNF 45%.
False Covenant - Ari Marmell

I'm out; I have no idea beyond character and place names what this has to do with the first book in series.


Honestly, it's a combination of horror and serial killer with the heroine gone TSTL and lots of everyone murking about alleys either doing the murdering or seeking the murderer.


Not my cup of tea.  Not even willing to skim to finish, boring old mucking around city streets interspersed with horror scenes ...

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text 2017-04-19 03:24
Reading progress: 34%.
False Covenant - Ari Marmell

Creepy doings along city streets in the dark, murky, gloomy, atmospheric -- unexpected for this series with heroine way less aware.


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text 2017-04-18 18:06
Reading progress: 16%.
False Covenant - Ari Marmell

Oh, the voices in her head.  Literally.


Only okay so far.  Gloomier than the first.  Plus an air of possibly heading into Jack-the-Ripper-Steampunk territory.


I really liked the first book of this series—so, I hope it veers away from that theme and back to expected story arc.

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text 2017-03-31 15:59
Reading progress: 33%.
Thief's Covenant - Ari Marmell

Still enjoying the read.  Lots of things clearly afoot.


Oddly -- since I've been reading this as a fantasy world rather than some alternate incarnation/history of ours -- a horse is named Charlemagne.

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review 2016-04-25 00:00
Widdershins - Jordan L. Hawk My rating for this book fluctuated a little during my time with it. I wasn't that crazy about some of the romance part, but the action and mystery were extremely great. Yes, I recommend it. It has a bit of everything including magic, the supernatural, historical settings, a secret society and lots of clue finding. I'm interested in seeing where the series goes for sure.
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