Tähtiin kirjoitettu virhe
John Green (author)
Helene Bützow (translator)
"Ihan sairas rakkaustarina" Rakkaus on aina vaikeaa, mutta ei mahdotonta silloinkaan, kun on parantumattomasti sairas. Syöpää sairastava 16-vuotias Hazel on onnekas saatuaan muutaman lisävuoden. Elämä tuntuu silti jo eletyltä, kunnes hän tapaa hurmaavan Augustus Watersin. Toisistaan Hazel ja...
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"Ihan sairas rakkaustarina"
Rakkaus on aina vaikeaa, mutta ei mahdotonta silloinkaan, kun on parantumattomasti sairas. Syöpää sairastava 16-vuotias Hazel on onnekas saatuaan muutaman lisävuoden. Elämä tuntuu silti jo eletyltä, kunnes hän tapaa hurmaavan Augustus Watersin. Toisistaan Hazel ja Augustus löytävät sen, mitä eivät ole vielä ehtineet menettää.
Tähtiin kirjoitettu virhe on riipaisevan hauska, filosofisen älykäs ja vimmaisen rohkea romaani rakkaudesta, periksi antamattomuudesta ja elämän odottamattomuudesta.
"Pahuksen lähellä neroutta... yksinkertaisesti tyrmäävä... rohkea kaikessa uhmassaan, mutkattomuudessaan ja ironisoimattomissa tunteissaan."
- Time
Yhdysvaltalainen John Green (s. 1977) on palkittu menestyskirjailija, kauniin lauseen ja monisyisen kerronnan mestari. Tähtiin kirjoitettu virhe on hänen kuudes romaaninsa.
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Format: ebook
Publish date: 2014
Publisher: WSOY
Edition language: Finnish
Hazel has lung cancer and is forced by her mother to go to a support group each week. While there, she meats someone named Gus Waters who makes Hazel forget all about the negative things in her life. However, things don't end up great for Hazel and Gus in this heartbreaking ending.
I LOVE this book. John Green is an amazing writer. I say this about a lot of books, but the characters are so memorable and unique! While the ending did make me cry, I think it was realistic and necessary. This book gives you an interesting outlook on life. READ IT!!!
"the fault in our stars" is a book written by John Green in 2012, eventually releasing as a film in 2014. main characters include, Shailene Woodley, acting as Hazel Grace Lancaster, Ansel Elgort, acting as Augustus Waters. this story was narrated by Hazel Grace Lancaster, a 16 year old girl, who suf...
Apparently I read this in a day. I’m not so sure if I did, probably a couple of days and I just didn’t record exactly when I started. I don’t remember when I read it, but I’ll have you know that I was glued to this book. I thought it wouldn’t be amazing (I’ve already seen the movie) and I thought i...
I liked this more than I thought I would. I probably had lower expectations because my best friend didn't like it much. Haha. I did actually really like this one, though. I don't blame Hazel for the way she treats her parents. She was grieving and they were, at times, insensitive to that. The endi...