I should've known looking at the cover of this book that it wouldn't go well for me. Look at that puppy's innocent smile. Just look at it. This reminded me of the legend of Hachiko and also the Futurama episode, "Jurassic Bark" which to this day I have to immediately turn off whenever I see the begi...
I hugged my dog after reading this. It reminds me a bit of Hachi. Cue tears.
This is a nice story, if a bit maudlin. I would say that its main intended audience is dog lovers, but I was explaining the plot to a dog lover and realized that it was a hard sell, because there is a natural death of a dog in the story. But the main theme is the enduring love of dogs and their lovi...
This is a nice story, if a bit maudlin. I would say that its main intended audience is dog lovers, but I was explaining the plot to a dog lover and realized that it was a hard sell, because there is a natural death of a dog in the story. But the main theme is the enduring love of dogs and their lovi...