Nothing could have prepared me for the surprise Mrs. Warren had in store for me. I showed up to babysit and found she’d already arranged for her kids to be out of the house. There was a reason. She wanted me. She and her husband wanted an eighteen year old girl, and they took me and used me...
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Nothing could have prepared me for the surprise Mrs. Warren had in store for me. I showed up to babysit and found she’d already arranged for her kids to be out of the house. There was a reason. She wanted me. She and her husband wanted an eighteen year old girl, and they took me and used me for their pleasure!
Warning: This ebook contains very explicit descriptions of an ffm threesome sex encounter that includes babysitter seduction, rough sex, and first lesbian sex. Only mature adults who will not be offended by such content should read this story.
Here is a preview:
God, she looked incredible, she was probably in her late thirties, but she could give any girl in my generation a run for their money! And for the first time since I’d known her she was acting like she knew it. I had no idea what she was really playing at, but I was intrigued to play along.
Being young, inexperienced, and naive I still asked the stupid obvious question. "Where are your kids?"
Her grin flashed her beautiful teeth and she put her glass down moving to the tie of her top. "At my sister's." She said, and her voice it was... seductive?
"Well, then what? Why?" I was so confused at this point, surely she couldn't of just wanted my company, I was just... and my thoughts came to a screeching halt right there. She had untied her top and was stepping out of it. She took another sip of her drink and moved closer to me. Was she drunk?
She seemed quite sober as she rubbed my shoulders and purred into my ears, "darling, you've grown into such a stunning woman, and I couldn't help myself after watching you sunbathe all afternoon," she purred into my ear and I blushed furiously. "Well, I've never, I don't really know..." but that sentence would never be finished, a hand moved from my shoulder and her hand was snaking down my bra, and her hand was cupping my breast.
I let out a squeak in surprise spilling some of my drink on my shirt, when did this evening turn into a late night porno? I mused as she smiled, she had a perfect opportunity. And curious as I was, it was one I wasn't about to let slide. I sat down my glass and just let her pull my shirt off! She wasted no time in throwing off my bra, we were both standing there topless, and while one of her hands worked on my breast the other was fidgeting with my jeans.
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