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Taking Chances - Community Reviews back

by Molly McAdams
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arickman rated it 12 years ago
I didn't check reviews before reading but I am actually glad I didn't. I was expecting an angsty NA love triangle where I would pick who I wanted the HEA with and hope that happened but that is not what I got. First off I loved both Chase and Brandon, I was torn throughout the book and my heart brok...
Chelsea's Adventures in Book Blogging...
1.5 DNF starsYeah, I'm rating it even though I didn't finish it. I feel confident, however, that I didn't miss much in the last 90 pages, which is why I think I can rate it.I need to preface this review by saying that I loved Molly McAdam's [b:From Ashes|16122163|From Ashes|Molly McAdams|http://d20...
Heather~Reading Haven~
Heather~Reading Haven~ rated it 12 years ago
What do I think? I think this book seriously pissed me off. I'd like an alternate ending please. :-)I am going to do something slightly different here. This book is very hard to review without giving away what happens. This is one of those books that you read and it seriously messes with your head. ...
Sarina Bowen
Sarina Bowen rated it 12 years ago
The writing was just not up to snuff. It feels like the author was in a terrible hurry to rush the book to market. The only character who felt fresh and original to me was Carter, the marine. That premise could have been an excellent book in its own right. But instead, this is just another virgin-me...
StacyHgg rated it 12 years ago
Taking Chances by Molly McAdamsSeries: Taking Chances #1 StandaloneGenre: Contemporary RomanceAge Group: New AdultRelease Date: October 16th 2012Print Length: 432 pagesFormat: KindleSource: Purchased Review Date: June 21st 2013Cover Rating: 4 starsOverall Rating: 5+++ StarsSensuality Rat...
Samantha Reads
Samantha Reads rated it 12 years ago
I'm late to the party but finally going to start this one. I know I'm either going to love it or hate it ;)
Keep Calm and Read
Keep Calm and Read rated it 12 years ago
FREAKIN AMAZEBALLS!!!!!!!!What a journey. Emotions all over the place. I didn't know if I was on team Brandon or team Chase. I was so torn. Next Minute...BANG!!!!! Heartbreak...I had to re-read the pages over and over before it finally sunk in.In the end I am so glad the Harper got her 'Big craz...
Megan @ The Book Babe's Reads
Megan @ The Book Babe's Reads rated it 12 years ago
Due to copy and paste, formatting has been lost.Taking Chances was quite a bit different than I assumed it would be. I knew that there would be cheating to some extent, and while I'm not a big fan of cheating, I wanted to see if the author could make me like the characters anyway.I did like Harper a...
Dare To Read
Dare To Read rated it 12 years ago
The main thing this booked really lacked was character development.'everything was rushed and not to mention there were soo many unrealistic things going on that it was really hard for me to connect. Harper flat out annoyed me. Her actions in the beginning were beyond ridiculous and every single rel...
Munk rated it 12 years ago
3.5 (spoilers)I have a love/hate relationship with this book. The author is obviously talented and has an amazing voice. No doubt she can spin a great story and wring every drop of emotion from your soul ( ha ha ) but I prefer to not spend my Saturday bawling my eyes out. I will be sure to read revi...
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