by Claire Kent
Elizabeth was a bride's maid in Melissa's wedding. She was at her friend's bachelorette party at a strip club. She met Matt, who issued her a challenge. The book was great. All the reasons why Elizabeth shouldn't care just didn't matter, how she grew to lose the cover she wore to please everyone and...
♥ ♥ ♥ 3.5 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm not going to lie, that cover and that blurb totally got me that I just had to read this one. While in the end I did like the book, I unfortunately did not love it as I had hoped that I would.Elizabeth is a preschool teacher that comes from a wealthy family. She is quite the...
I'm a fan of Claire Kent/Noelle Adams and I enjoyed this a lot. Elizabeth is an art teacher to preschool aged kids. Matt is the owner of a male strip club. He used to strip, but doesn't really do it any longer. They meet when Elizabeth attends the strip club with a bachelorette party. Elizabeth is...