by Joanne Kennedy, Karyn O'Bryant
Lacey finally leaves Tennessee and her ex husband who swindled people out of their land to make lots of money. Back in her hometown of Conway TN a lot of people thought Lacey was part of it. She couldn't find a job to make it out on her own. She decided to head across country to Wyoming and her ...
Review to come
There is nothing like a good western, I guess that is why people come to my blog by searching cowboys because I always seem to have something nice to say about them. Perhaps it's because I am country born and bred. But more likely because cowboys are hot.In this one we have a former geeky farm boy w...
drey’s thoughts:Lacey Bradford isn’t the kind of girl I normally like – not as a heroine, anyway. She’s spent her life so far living up to other people’s expectations, letting her own self be buried in the meantime – if she ever had a “self” to call her own. She’s a bit clueless about “normal,” havi...