by Michelle Rowen
I found that this was the last one, oh that is what I get for starting a series at book 4 ;) and then reading book 5. But at least I can go back and read the first one.Where to start then. Our dear heroine Sarah is in trouble. In this book she has a dark side and a light side. The dark side is clear...
Nice finish to a fun series. I love Sarah's snarky, sarcastic comments.
Poor Sarah, she is cursed and now an evil Nightwalker. She is boing over taken by her dark side and Thierry (the love of her life) may have to stake her. If that was not enough trouble for her, she is being blackmailed by the wickedly evil Gideon Chase, head of the Vampire Hunters. She struggles to ...
I didn't realize until after I had finished the book that it was the last in the series. I'm sad about that. I was hoping for more. However, I was also wondering where Michelle Rowen would go with the plot after everything that happened at the end. (It makes since now that I know she was wrapping it...
Tall, Dark and Fangsome is a book I jumped at when it was offered, mostly because I'd seen Michelle Rowen's Stakes and Stilettos floating 'round the blogs earlier this year... I mean, how do you not want to read a book called Stakes and Stilettos? Especially if you like shoes... And vampire books......
I was little bit sad to see this series conclude, but it did close on a perfect note. I am trying to not divulge any secrets here, but Sarah does have a happy ending. I thought Michelle Rowen did a great job with this series and it died a natural death rather than limping along like some paranormal ...
"I read the first two books last year, but I have to admit I'm not sure why I didn't read the third and fourth books in this paranormal series about Sarah Dearly (who was turned into a vampire on a particularly bad blind date). Fortunately, Rowen skillfully wove backstory details into Tall, Dark and...