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Tam Lin - Community Reviews back

by Pamela Dean
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Wrenegade rated it 11 years ago
Just couldn't get into this one. Maybe it wasn't the right timing...I'll try it again later in the year.
Elena rated it 12 years ago
Who implied Dean was unworthy because she was an english major? Who thought she was boring because they didn’t get her literary witticisms? This reads like she's got something to prove. I’ve yet to see a character so undeservingly bullied as Tina. She’s pre-med, she doesn’t read, she doesn’t have th...
By Singing Light
By Singing Light rated it 12 years ago
Tam Lin was the first book I read in myReReadathon efforts, and I’m very glad that I did. As you may be able to tell, I’m really interested in retellings of Tam Lin. Dean’s version is one that I’ve read and really, really liked. But unlike Fire and Hemlock or The Perilous Gard, which I’ve read over ...
Merle rated it 13 years ago
Gah!!I almost never give 1 star to books I've actually finished, because they're bound to have some redeeming quality that will at least bring the rating up to 2. But the best I can say about this one is that it's not offensive--in fact, I share many of the author's opinions--and that the prose was ...
Boxes of Paper
Boxes of Paper rated it 14 years ago
The last time I read this book, I didn't have the window of Fourth Ericson, so I had to content myself with flinging it across the room. I did rescue it again and finish it, however I was so confused by it that I simply could not give it a rating. I knew then that I would have to revisit it at some ...
Barbara's Booky Blog
Barbara's Booky Blog rated it 14 years ago
First thoughts...cult classic? Ugh I hate cult classics be they movies or books. Case in point, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, everyone I know loved it. Me? I found it stupid as hell and couldn't even sit through the whole thing. I do like books of Faery so I thought I'd give Tam Lin a try. Jane...
melpomene rated it 14 years ago
Wow this book was annoying. First, Janet was a pretentious, insufferable, snobby, know-it-all. I found it impossible to relate to her and hard to believe that she had any friends at all considering how she treated everyone. Every page had her saying something “acidly” or “sharply” or stating how ...
By Singing Light
By Singing Light rated it 15 years ago
I’m making it one of my minor missions in life to read all of the versions of Tam Lin I can get ahold of. While I was dubious about this one because of the setting, it turned out to be a delightful book, even if the title did give away the plot annoyingly soon. Janet is a sympathetic heroine, but if...
Ceridwen rated it 15 years ago
About halfway through my read, my husband asked me about this, and I told him, "It's boring." This is not exactly true; it's not boring. But I meant "boring" the way my kids mean when, in the middle of the summer doldrums of popsicles, long slow evenings, and dirt-black feet from running barefoot, t...
Osho rated it 15 years ago
Recommended by Elizabeth.
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