by Emily Maguire
almost an entire month later, I decided what to do.
I have not, in a while, read a book that left me so emotionally engaged! I do not think I have the words to sum up what this book will make you feel: at times sad, enraged, disappointed, disgusted, repulsed …and so on, and so forth.I was mostly okay, up until that fourth part, it is mainly a reas...
"Taming the beast" by Emily McGuire is not an easy book to read, it deals with heavy and controversial subjects - it's uncomfortable and disturbingly interesting.From my experience, books that evoke strong reactions and opposing views, like this one does, are usually the most interesting.This book ...
My first thoughts when beginning this book was “whoa!” I knew what the book was about, but I didn’t realize I was going to get to the sex within the first few pages.Then I turned the book over and read how Maguire was “the new bad girl of erotic fiction.” That would definitely explain it. Maybe afte...
Estoy revolucionada con esta novela eròtica . Es tremenda y difìcil pero sin dejar de ser profunda y tan bien escrita que con alguna que otra frase se me hizo un nudo en la garganta .EXCELENTE . La empecè a leer a la noche y demàs esta decir que me retrasò todo lo que tenìa planeado porque no podìa ...
Not nice subject matter in book teacher and young student, which basically messes her up! Not sure would recommend I don't really know how I feel about this book - maybe that means its good ???
Taming the Beast is one of my favourite books. The plotline, the characters, it was all sensational and titillating and depressing at the same time. It was real, and gritty, and the cold hard truth about some people and some relationships. It didn’t seek to glamourize anything. Instead it stripped u...
My mom used to say......preferably after I had done something irresponsible, like inviting myself into the home of that middle-aged man, who was living alone down the road, just to pet his German shepherd. of course I'd always lose my sense of time and end up getting home after dark. Where I would f...
When your sexually abused at the age of fourteen by a half genius -half psycho pedophilic, what the bloody hell will you do? Will you run the hell out and call a police, keep it to yourself and have a psychological trauma about it or accept things and be addicted with it? We all have a choice what...