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I love this series! I loved the 70+ year-old Rachel the librarian who is ready to kick ass even if she has to use her walker to wobble up to someone to do it. LoL! I thought Scout and Liam were going to kill each other before they ever learned to get along. Great series Tammy, I look forward to yo...
Loved this series. Awesome shifter books.
OH MY GOD!!! Its finally over and I am absolutely miserable. I was hooked to Scout’s story from the 1st page of the 1st book and Ms. Blackwell doesn’t disappoint in the finale. I tried to put off reading this book for as long as I could but then I finally caved. Even then I tried to make it last by ...
Huge bitchy rant coming. Read at your own risk.This is me after I got to about 30% in to this book late last night:You see, at about this time in the story, some major bombs were dropped and they didn't even have anything to do with this book. Nope, nu uh, I'm not mad about events of this story or t...
Great ending to a great series!