After reluctantly moving from New York City to a run-down farm in Dorset to live with her mother and stepfamily, thirteen-year-old Jenny Gluckstein finds a kindred spirit in the ghost of Tamsin Wiloughby. Tamsin, who introduces Jenny to the intriguing night world inhabited by a variety of English...
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After reluctantly moving from New York City to a run-down farm in Dorset to live with her mother and stepfamily, thirteen-year-old Jenny Gluckstein finds a kindred spirit in the ghost of Tamsin Wiloughby. Tamsin, who introduces Jenny to the intriguing night world inhabited by a variety of English spirits, mourns Edric, the young man lost to her during the Bloody Assizes that followed Monmouth's Rebellion, and appears threatened by an unknown evil. Jenny finds she must help Tamsin face the ghost of Judge Jeffreys, who sentenced hundreds to death during the Assizes, and who is as obsessed with possessing Tamsin three hundred years later as he was when both were alive.
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Format: paperback
9780451415226 (0451415221)
ASIN: 451415221
Publish date: 2013-05-01
Publisher: NAL Trade
Pages no: 275
Edition language: English
The plot was interesting but the characters! Oh my lord, the characters. I guess I am one of those annoying people who need likable characters to fully appreciate the book, and that is where this book failed me big time. I realize how long this is, so here is my summary: I hated EVERYONE except Meen...
A nice YA ghost story.I have to admit, however, that this book didn't quite live up to my expectations (set high, recently, by 'The Inkeeper's Song' and a couple of Beagle's short stories.A rebellious teenager, Jenny, is reluctantly transplanted from NYC to the English countryside. She's got a new s...
"My Jenny, I will never see your own land, yet well I know night's as dark there as in Dorset. And night is not ours, and never will be, not till all is night. I tell you it will not, Jenny -- never any more than the sea, for all we plow and harrow up that darkness. What yet swims in the deepest dee...
Bumping in to 5 stars, because a book that can be read over and over again without loosing its glory is a special one indeed. the last read even gave me a creep that I didn't have before.I'm re-reading because I was watching Victorian farm from BBC and seeing them plowing the field reminded me of th...