Tania Zamorsky is the author of six children's book adaptations for Sterling Publishing's "Classic Starts" series. A former lawyer, Tania used to spend a great deal of time writing things like "allegedly" and "res ipsa loquitor" (and taking Tums). Now working in public relations, she writes a lot...
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Tania Zamorsky is the author of six children's book adaptations for Sterling Publishing's "Classic Starts" series. A former lawyer, Tania used to spend a great deal of time writing things like "allegedly" and "res ipsa loquitor" (and taking Tums). Now working in public relations, she writes a lot of pitches -- and convinces other people to write about her clients. She is currently seeking representation for an original children's book series. While she also writes adult fiction and non-fiction, she will always have a special place in her heart for children's literature--as well as for Sterling Publishing, which gave her her start and trusted her with the re-telling of such time-honored and classic tales.
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