"From September last year, I did nothing else but wait for a man: for him to call me and come round to my place." (1%) This book surprised me. It wasn't what I expected and to be exposed to the raw emotion and sincerity of the narrator touched me deeply. The opening of the novel gripped me and never...
There will be very few who deny that the mother has a very special place in the heart of a person and that when she dies, it uses to be a particularly painful loss in most cases even if she has been suffering for a long time. It means the irrevocable end of an era – of “childhood” in a wide sense – ...
She is obviously not indifferent or oblivious to people she sees on her daily commute, in the train, on the platform, in the supermarket, or browsing the lingerie store. And she recognizes these souls as participants in her life just as she is present in theirs. I do like the smart and courageous...
http://msarki.tumblr.com/post/110388041628/shame-by-annie-ernauxI, so far, have found it rather captivating how Ernaux begins this novel with My father tried to kill my mother one Sunday in June... and then really never mentions it again, and instead adroitly details a child's life in which we might...
If you've ever been passionately obsessed with someone to the point of complete distraction for what turns out to be no good reason, such that when it's over you have almost ceased to exist (and may even have to rebuild a world in which to resume your existence), and it is all you can do to look at ...
If you've ever been passionately obsessed with someone to the point of complete distraction for what turns out to be no good reason, such that when it's over you have almost ceased to exist (and may even have to rebuild a world in which to resume your existence), and it is all you can do to look at ...