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Non ho parole per descrivere la bellezza di questa perla trash! Ho riso come una matta dall'inizio alla fine. Il no sense, la scrittura da cani, i vampiri satanisti gotici, Silente in versione pedo poser, il puro stile fan fiction che si respira in ogni scena, i Good Charlotte, Vampyre Potter... WOW...
OMG! I remember this!It's the Mary Sue of Mary Sues. Just no.
{March 28th, 2014} THE REVIEWI read this a while was a hilariously groanfest for me. Just ohmyundying.... Sure at first I was like "haha, it can't be THAT bad, could it?" Boy was I ever quickly proven wrong. Grammar people and all that jazz that comes with the systematics of languages will...
I was hoping that this was going to be an awfully good read. By "awfully" I mean actually awful but good. I had hoped that I could rate it five stars and say it was really funny even though it was really bad. Nope. It's just bad. Let's not even talk about the writing, because obviously it's parody f...
I ran suicidally to my room nd I sexily took a steak out."I'm weeping right now, full on weeping from the laughter.I might just die.