Title: The DominantSeries: The Submissive Trilogy Book #2Author: Tara Sue MeGenre: Romance/EroticBlurb: Now comes The Dominant, the continuation of the tantalizing trilogy by Tara Sue Me, which has captivated millions...Nathaniel West doesn't lose control.As the playboy CEO of West Industries, he go...
This was billed to me as a sequel, but it’s just an alternate POV of the very story that was covered in The Submissive. The same time period, the same scenes, the same dialogue, the same everything. It was a completely unnecessary addition to the series, because The Submissive did not leave any ho...
If Tara Sue Me’s The Dominant sounds awfully familiar to Fifty shades of Grey, it’s because this is the fan fiction that EL James borrowed from as she wrote Fifty Shades (according to the research I did). To be truthful, as I read I did get undertones of Fifty especially with Nathaniel owning his ow...