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Tears Of The Renegade (Silhouette Intimate Moments, #92) - Community Reviews back

by Linda Howard
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willaful rated it 12 years ago
3 1/2 stars. Same betraying-hero formula as all of Howard's early books, but I never mind reading it again if it's well done.
Kitap Esintisi
Kitap Esintisi rated it 13 years ago
Bu yorumu Kitap Esintisi sayfasında bulabilirsiniz. Linda'nın bu romanı beni pek etkilemedi. Olaylar sevilmeyen kuzen Cord'un baloya gelmesiyle başlıyor ve asıl kızımız Susan'ın kayın biraderi Preston ile savaşmalarını anlatıyor. Bu savaş tamamen şirket üzerinden oluyor, Cord onları iflasa sürükleme...
Tina's Reading Books
Tina's Reading Books rated it 14 years ago
Early Linda Howard Silhouette that didn't wear well for me.I don't think I'd read this one back in the day. Many of LH's old silhouettes actually do hold up well, I can go back and re-read Mackenzie's Mountain, for instance, and enjoy it as much as when I first read it.This one, though, doesn't wor...
What Were You Expecting?
What Were You Expecting? rated it 16 years ago
As long as I don't think about this too hard it's a great novel. As always Howard brings depth and emotion in spades. Definitely worth reading, especially for long-time Howard fans.
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