by Heather Brewer
Disclaimer: I have not read the first two books and had no knowledge of the plot before I found a copy of this book for two dollars and was intrigued enough by the cover to give it a try without realizing it was the third book in a series.However, I feel that this book can pretty much be read as a s...
I like Vladmir Todd as a young vampire, but this book is better than the past two books. I greatly fond of Drudge and vampire relationship, [a:Heather Brewer|293603|Heather Brewer|] is one my favorite writer with the exemplary skills in forging ...
Vladimir Tod has been learning a lot about his vampire abilities. Otis has spent the summer training him on extending his telepathic communication. He is also getting better at sensing when other vampires are near. Both Vlad and his Aunt Nelly have gotten used to Otis being around and hate to see...
I fully blame my tween daughter for my Vlad Tod problem; she forced me to start reading the series after she tore through it at record pace and then met her idol, series author Heather Brewer.::: The Plot :::In Tenth Grade Bleeds, our orphaned, half-vampire hero Vladimir Tod has several problems goi...
Review to come.
Your heart will go bleed for Vald and his family as this epic tale continues.
If you can't tell, I am a huge fan of this series. I received the first three books thanks to my son's Scholastic Book Club order and read all three in three days. (I love Scholastic Book Club too, but that is an entirely different article.) There is something so refreshing about Vlad, his troubles,...
Vladimir Tod has been learning a lot about his vampire abilities. Otis has spent the summer training him on extending his telepathic communication. He is also getting better at sensing when other vampires are near. Both Vlad and his Aunt Nelly have gotten used to Otis being around and hate to see...