Hilarious puns on drinks. However, I did not try every book in it! LoL
Tequila Mockingbird: Cocktails with a Literary Twist is a clever tribute that should be displayed on every bookheart's bar or coffee table. It is the perfect cocktail book for the literary obsessed! About 65 drink recipes are named after classic novels. The book also includes drinking games, special...
Cute tie ins of books and cocktails.
Fun book. Not really the type of cocktail book you read for the recipes, but clever and definitely of interest to lit geeks.
Blog review in progressInitial thoughts: Are you serious? A book that combines two of my favorite things...books and drinks? Yep...and this one was pure brilliant creativity! The drinks, for the most part, are unusual drinks that are paired up with books named after them. For the most part, ingredie...