by Edward Lee, Wrath James White
This must be the sickest book I've read so far.Still, whenever I arrived at a gore-porn scene I just pushed on, all the while thinking "why am I even reading this". But it was fascinating in a way, the sick billionaire and his plan.And to my surprise, the ending with the Buddhist guy had some kind o...
A little bloated, though a good solid story underneath the window-dressing. The flabbiness is thrown into the spotlight when the climax and denouement are so rushed and tossed off.
I don't know what the hell I should rate this one. The acts in this read we're atrocious, blasphemous, and altogether wrong. The first couple of pages were...vomit inducing. This was like watching a car accident; you saw it coming, you knew it was gonna be bad and that the passengers were really hu...