Teresa Schaeffer is a five-time published author, a produced screenwriter and an independent film producer based in Chicago, Illinois where she lives with her partner, three cats and dog, Xander. She is co-owner of the independent production company, Rhodesclosed Productions, and is producing the...
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Teresa Schaeffer is a five-time published author, a produced screenwriter and an independent film producer based in Chicago, Illinois where she lives with her partner, three cats and dog, Xander. She is co-owner of the independent production company, Rhodesclosed Productions, and is producing the upcoming horror movie, "One Not Taken" alongside producers Danny Rhodes and Lisa Cisneros. "Watchmen of Echo Falls" will be Schaeffer's sixth published book, due to be released on Halloween of 2015. Two of her most recent YA novellas (part of the Cutting Edge Series for Young Adults), "The Questions Within" and "A Forgotten Tomorrow" are available as a trade paperback and digital download from Ransom Publishing. While all of Ms. Schaeffer's past work as an author has been predominantly middle grade and young adult, she also writes adult horror, thriller and sci-fi. Her psychological thriller novel, The Ravenmocker, which she co-wrote with best selling author Peter Lancett, is being released February 2016. You can keep up with Teresa on her Twitter @schaefferteresa
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