Terry Borst's traditional screenwriting credits include co-credit on the TV movie sequel to the Robert DeNiro film "Midnight Run" (MIDNIGHT RUNAROUND), the independent feature film PRIVATE WAR, and numerous episodes of the BBC action-adventure television series BUGS, syndicated in over 30...
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Terry Borst's traditional screenwriting credits include co-credit on the TV movie sequel to the Robert DeNiro film "Midnight Run" (MIDNIGHT RUNAROUND), the independent feature film PRIVATE WAR, and numerous episodes of the BBC action-adventure television series BUGS, syndicated in over 30 countries. He also co-wrote a fantasy/adventure series pilot for the BBC titled THE NEW ADVENTURES OF KING ARTHUR. In addition, he has performed uncredited rewrites on USA Cable movies and independent features, and developed screenplays for the producers of "The Hunt for Red October" and various independent producers in Hollywood.Terry also co-wrote the interactive movies WING COMMANDER III and WING COMMANDER IV. (The screenplay for III won the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences "Cybie" for Best Writing; the screenplay for IV was nominated for a Computer Game Developers Association Spotlight Award; both games have been honored with numerous awards.) His commercial videogame work includes co-writing much of the screenplay for Microsoft's epic space adventure FREELANCER.More recently he wrote the screenplay and collaborated on the game design for: 1) LEADERS, a Paramount Digital Entertainment R&D videogame set in newly liberated Afghanistan that trained Army captains in leadership; and 2) FULLY INVOLVED, a Compelling Technologies simulation training firefighters in incident command. In the past number of months, Terry has consulted on cutting-edge artificial intelligence applications in the realm of narrative technologies for simulations and virtual worlds.Terry has written or co-written several books, including:* MASTERING CELTX, the first comprehensive text- and tradebook devoted to Celtx, the all-in-one media preproduction solution. This book offers extensive tutorials on all of the key features in Celtx, along with solid coverage of the Celtx Script app and Celtx Studios, a project management and collaboration "cloud" platform.* END TO END GAME DEVELOPMENT, focusing on the entirety of the development, production and post-production process for simulations, serious games and independent games.* STORY AND SIMULATIONS FOR SERIOUS GAMES, a look at how classical Hollywood story concepts can aid in the developing of immersive serious games and simulations -- based on case studies.For more than a decade, Terry wrote a regular column in the Writers Guild trade magazine Written By on the topic of screenwriting and media convergence.He currently teaches screenwriting and creative process at Santa Fe University of Art and Design and has previously taught screenwriting at Moorpark College, USC's School for Cinematic Arts, UCLA Extension Writers Program, Santa Fe Community College, the Banff Centre for the Arts, and several writing conferences. More information can be found at: http://www.terryborst.com.
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