Genre: Superhero / Action / Adventure Year Published: 2005 Year Read: 2012 Series: Invincible #1 Publisher: Image Comics Brief Introduction: For a long time now, I had always believed that the only comic book companies that created superhero comics were Marvel and DC and it is true that they...
Eh. I read this because I read a review saying this was much better than "The Walking Dead," which I love, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Turns out, it's too super-hero-y for my tastes. It's still well written and I'm still a huge fan of Robert Kirkman, but this just isn't my cup of tea.
I liked it. Words like "neat" and "cute" come to mind, which probably isn't what the creators want to hear but I have to own my feelings. I will swallow whole just about any superhero coming of age story, but, this one also has a pretty interesting and unexpected twist. Unexpected to me, anyways. I ...