by Leah Braemel
I liked this one. Nikki and Dillon together were great and after everything she has been trough she deserves to be treated right, while I liked Brett he was such the "martyr" in the beginning....while kind of got old after a while. But they all finally pull it together and take ...
Wasn't a huge fan of the heroine. She was too wimpy/wishy-washy for me. Love the interaction/tension between the two heroes. His family was also a hoot. I do hope Braemel writes more in this world.
Well this was sweet. More 3.5 than 3. Nikki is divorced from her philandering ex. They had only gotten married because she got pregnant and her parents forced it. But ever since the divorce, she's been trying to keep up her homestead, basically on her own. Her convict brother, Phil, stays with her b...
I just read this one again. It's a good story and worth reading again!
This was a pretty good read...not the best, but certainly not the worst. Took a little too much time to get to the heart of the matter IMO and too little time once we got there.______________________________________________________________________If you like this type of book, you might enjoy one o...
Nikki has been through a lot at the hands of her ex-husband and her brother but she has always had her neighbour Dillon and his foster brother Brett to turn to. When her truck breaks down one night and Dillon offers to drive her home they discover her house is empty and everything she owns has been...
This was a good story. It had substance in dealing with some of the darker issues of a permanent threesome. I liked that Braemel addressed the issues instead of skirting them. I really enjoyed all three characters. They were all different, yet they complimented each other perfectly.