by Tia Fielding
Sweet story, that even though one of the MC's is a porn star has almost no sex! Yeah! It would have been so cliche and I was glad that was avoided.I liked Matt and his friends and Brian was cute.The social media 'dating' was fun but I would have loved just a it more of the MC's together, either in p...
I absolutely loved this little novella. It was so freakin' cute. It may seem odd that I'm describing a book where one of the main characters is a porn star as cute, but trust me it really is. This is a very light read, but that suited my mood perfectly. I genuinely felt like I knew Matt and Nick tha...
Sweet short m/m romance about an injured bike messenger who starts to follow his favorite porn star on Twitter... and then they actually get to meet.
3.5 starsThe blurb gives the idea about what you're getting, none of those out of the left field surprise. I think it's cute, and I totally love the idea of Twitter communication in this information/digital era. I'm always like the insertion of a most-recent thing, especially gadget, in contemporary...