The ABC Murders (Leatherette Bound)
Publish date: April 1st 1983
Publisher: Bantam Books, Inc.
Edition language: English
I thought I had read this book before, but either I was wrong or this is one of those books that feels like new every time you read it. I was on the edge of my seat, figuratively speaking, and stayed up past my bedtime to finish it, and other such murder mystery reading clichés. I knew how it ended,...
My wife and I listened to this book from beginning to end on a long car journey across the UK. It kept us entertained the entire way. The quick, gentle humour in the book caught me by surprise. I loved the early interactions between Poirot, Hastings and Japp, where they discussed the small persona...
So this is Agatha Christie´s take on a serial killer story. And she manages to pull it of. Whether it is one of her classic who dunnits, this serial killer story or if its even one of her ridiculous spy stories, I never regret reading a book by her and I´m thoroughly entertained by them. The ABC M...
Te wszystkie kryminały Agaty Christie mają jedną zaletę, która jednocześnie jest wadą: są zwięzłe. Wszystko tu kręci się wokół zagadki kryminalnej. Nawet tło obyczajowe, niezbędne by wprowadzić w historię i zarysować charakter postaci, jest tu tylko – no właśnie, tłem. Gdy tylko zagadka zostaje rozw...
Series: Hercule Poirot #13 A murderer seems to be working his (or her) way through his (or her) victims using The ABC Railway Guide. Hastings makes an appearance and the mystery is quite entertaining although the investigation and resolution flounder a bit before we get to the ending and the vario...