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The Abyss - Steve Vance
The Abyss
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Abandon hope, all ye who enter York House. It was such a lively old house, elegant and airy, but it had one minor flaw. The people who checked in, never checked out—alive. Undaunted by rumors of evil, Cathy Lockwood walked right into the festering heart of the crumbling mansion, determined... show more
Abandon hope, all ye who enter York House. It was such a lively old house, elegant and airy, but it had one minor flaw. The people who checked in, never checked out—alive. Undaunted by rumors of evil, Cathy Lockwood walked right into the festering heart of the crumbling mansion, determined to find her brother. She was sure he was alive-in some form-and she swore she'd rip York House apart, timber by timber, to find him. She thought nothing human or inhuman could scare her away-until she confronted the horrifying secret that waited for her in the dark, fetid basement. The she could scream to high heaven, but only hell would hear her.
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780595146215 (059514621X)
Publisher: iUniverse
Pages no: 368
Edition language: English
Other editions (2)
Books by Steve Vance
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