The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding (Dramatised)
In this delightful tale, an Eastern Prince arrives in England with some family jewels, which he's having reset as a gift for his fiancée. However, the Prince also has a mistress; she asks to wear one particularly enchanting piece that features a huge ruby, and then promptly disappears with it....
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In this delightful tale, an Eastern Prince arrives in England with some family jewels, which he's having reset as a gift for his fiancée. However, the Prince also has a mistress; she asks to wear one particularly enchanting piece that features a huge ruby, and then promptly disappears with it. Poirot discovers a connection with a house party at the home of Colonel and Mrs Lacey, and in order to pursue his investigation an invitation is procured for him to the Laceys', ostensibly to enjoy an old-fashioned Christmas. With deft skill and the workings of his 'little grey cells', Poirot brings this case to a satisfying end. Starring John Moffat as Hercule Poirot, with Donald Sinden and Sian Phillips as Colonel and Mrs Lacey.
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Format: Audible Audio Edition
Publish date: 2010-09-10
Publisher: BBC Worldwide Limited
Edition language: English
European Literature,
British Literature,
Mystery Thriller,
Short Stories,
I listened to this one BBC Radio 4. If you'd like to listen to it, it still has three weeks and can be found here. I could swear I have listened to something like this before but I can't remember who did it or when it was. This version was quite good, a full cast brought the scenes to life and Joh...
I read this book in portuguese. This books are translated by RBA and I think that their translator is quite good. (Usually I am against reading translated books but I have this collection so...)First of all I have a theory... don't know if it's true or not but... three of these stories Agatha Chris...