by Michael Phillip Cash
Remy Galway plans to buy the old long island home as a sign of her Independence after a long recovery from her bitter divorce. With her parents support she has slowly rebuilt her life and opened her own business. Now she is ready for her and her daughter to stand on their own. What she doesn’t know ...
We begin with a whaling trip that ends in disaster. Then in 2014 Remy and her daughter Olivier move into Eli's old home - a 300 year old cottage. Which is when this story stops being spooky but becomes just a bit silly. I loved the cover and the idea of this book, but I couldn't get past Eli's way o...
The After House probably should have been called The After Thought. It opened strongly enough; The Moby Dick inspired whale hunting with Captain Eli, set in 1840, was quite imaginative and engaging. The reader was dragged upon a rather thrilling sperm whale chase and being introduced to a range of c...
He was a greedy one, just one more whale and he could have more oil to take back to sell. But that one whale cost him… everything. He now haunts the house which he used to occupy with his wife and children. Over the years, people have moved in and out and now Eli is watching Remy and her daughter Ol...
The cover of this book is so beautiful and so intriguing. Unfortunately, it all goes down hill after that. I'm not sure exactly what this book is trying to be. Is it horror? Cause it's not scary or even creepy. Is it romance? Cause there is no chemistry. Is it a mystery? Cause there could on...
Remy Galway and her daughter Olivia are rebuilding their life in the small historic town of Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York after Remy's divorce. Little do they realize however that one of the house's previous occupants, a whaling boat captain who passed away in 1841, is still lurking... a...
Reviewed for NetGalley. For those looking for a good ghost story, The After House, by Michael Phillip Cash, delivers. Captain Eli Gaspar, a whaler, left his young wife and family to go on a hunt, believing that the need to provide them with materials possessions trumped the importance of simply be...
**Thank you Netgalley and Chelshire for providing this in exchange for an honest review**I wasted too much time reading this to spend anymore time on it with a proper review. What I liked about it: The description before reading it.What I disliked: Everything. Everything about it is flat and boring.