A heartwarming amateur detective story set in Depression-era St. Louis from beloved author A. E. Hotchner. Twelve-year-old Aaron Broom is protecting his father's car from being repossessed when he witnesses a jewelry store robbery gone wrong. To Aaron's shock, his father, a struggling salesman...
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A heartwarming amateur detective story set in Depression-era St. Louis from beloved author A. E. Hotchner.
Twelve-year-old Aaron Broom is protecting his father's car from being repossessed when he witnesses a jewelry store robbery gone wrong. To Aaron's shock, his father, a struggling salesman in the wrong place at the wrong time, is fingered as the prime suspect in the murder. Aaron--precocious, plucky, but not a little naive--must seek out gangsters, diamond dealers, bootleggers, and street kids in order to prove his father's innocence.
In his search for justice, Aaron draws upon the resources of a world-weary paperboy, an aspiring teen journalist, and a kindly lawyer. As they dig into the details of the case, these unconventional detectives reveal a cover-up that goes much deeper than a jewelry-store heist gone sour. Through it all, Aaron's optimistic narration and resourcefulness shine through. Hotchner's latest is a rollicking ride through St. Louis at its lowest, as seen through the eyes of his most lovable narrator to date.
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