--The Ballad of the Sad Café--Wunderkind--The Jockey--Madame Zilensky and the King of Finland--The Sojourner--A Domestic Dilemma--A Tree, a Rock, a CloudChronology
McCullers' voice in this haunting tale (like that of Ngugi wa Thiong'o in A Grain of Wheat) often takes on the folk ballad posture of an anonymous (or perhaps dispersed) community member. She labours over the authenticity of this tone, fleshing it with a complete vocabulary of cultural experience av...
Read combined review here: 'Complete Novels of Carson McCullers'
Poignant short story of repressed feelings, mystery and missed opportunity in a small impoverished southern community, concerning Miss Amelia, cousin Lymon the hunchback, and Marvin Macy. It also contains several even shorter stories in the book, several with an overtly musical theme - like the titl...